889 research outputs found

    Gait analysis in a box: A system based on magnetometer-free IMUs or clusters of optical markers with automatic event detection

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    Gait analysis based on full-body motion capture technology (MoCap) can be used in rehabilitation to aid in decision making during treatments or therapies. In order to promote the use of MoCap gait analysis based on inertial measurement units (IMUs) or optical technology, it is necessary to overcome certain limitations, such as the need for magnetically controlled environments, which affect IMU systems, or the need for additional instrumentation to detect gait events, which affects IMUs and optical systems. We present a MoCap gait analysis system called Move Human Sensors (MH), which incorporates proposals to overcome both limitations and can be configured via magnetometer-free IMUs (MH-IMU) or clusters of optical markers (MH-OPT). Using a test–retest reliability experiment with thirty-three healthy subjects (20 men and 13 women, 21.7 ± 2.9 years), we determined the reproducibility of both configurations. The assessment confirmed that the proposals performed adequately and allowed us to establish usage considerations. This study aims to enhance gait analysis in daily clinical practice

    Tratamiento de la gonartrosis con osteotomía tibial de penetración y fijación con grapas

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    La osteotomía metafisaria proximal de tibia ha sido utilizada en el tratamiento de 96 gonartrosis con desviación axil en varo (87 casos) o en valgo (nueve casos), con componente de flexo en la mitad de los casos y con cierto grado de laxitud ligamentosa en 1/3 de los casos. Se utilizó un cálculo angular preoperatorio en bipedestación con contraste opaco del eje mecánico de la extremidad y Rx-TV. La osteotomía fue cuneiforme de penetración, se estabilizó con grapas y se aplicó calza de yeso para facilitar el apoyo precoz. Proporcionó un efecto antiálgico en el 94 % de los casos, pero la valoración funcional deja el resultado en 25 % de casos excelentes y 51% de casos buenos. Destacan la necesidad de operar ambas rodillas, la bondad del resultado con independencia del grado de angulación, la compensación de las laxitudes moderadas ya referidas y la repercusión favorable del realineamiento axil sobre la artrosis femoropatelar presente en el 75 % de los casos

    Regulatory landscape of the vertebrate six2/six3 locus

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    Resumen del póster presentado al IX Meeting of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology celebrado en Granada del 12 al 14 de noviembre de 2012.Peer Reviewe

    Aflojamiento del componente femoral de prótesis de cadera cementada en el postoperatorio precoz.: a propósito de un caso.

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    Presentamos el caso clínico de una complicación extremadamente rara de aflojamiento precoz del componente femoral de una prótesis de cadera cementada. Este acontecimiento es consecuencia de la pérdida de adherencia entre la interfaz metal-cemento y tuvo lugar 14 días después de la colocación de una prótesis total de cadera cementada. En la literatura sólo se encuentra descrito un caso similar. Las causas atribuidas son el biomaterial y diseño de la prótesis, y la técnica de cementación.We report a case of an extremely rare complication of early loosening of the femoral component of a hip arthroplasty. This event is a consequence of the loss of adhesion between the metal-cement interface and took place 14 days after the placement of cemented total hip prosthesis. There was only described a similar case in the literature. The causes attributed are the biomaterial and design of the prosthesis, and cementation technique

    MCQ-Balance: a method to monitor patients with balance disorders and improve clinical interpretation of posturography

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    Background An estimated 20% to 30% of the global population has suffered a vertiginous episode. Among them, 20% do not receive a clear diagnosis. Improved methods, indicators and metrics are necessary to assess the sensory systems related to balance, especially when patients are undergoing treatment for vertiginous episodes. Patients with balance disorders should be monitored for changes at the individual level to gather objective information. In this study, we evaluate the use of the MCQ-Balance (Measure, Classify and Qualify) assessment for examining a patient’s balance progression using tests to measure static balance control and dynamic postural balance with a stabilometric platform. Materials and Methods The MCQ-Balance assessment comprises three stages: (i) measuring the progression of each variable between two separate and consecutive days (called sessions) using the Magnitude-Based Decision analysis; (ii) classifying the progression of the patient’s balance with a score; and (iii) qualifying the progression of the patient’s balance from the resulting scores using a set of rules. This method was applied to 42 patients with balance disorders of peripheral or central origin characterised by vertigo as the cardinal symptom. Balance progression was measured using the MCQ-Balance assessment over the course of three months, and these results were compared with the assessment of a clinical expert. Results The MCQ-Balance assessment showed an accuracy of 83.4% and a Cohen’s Kappa coefficient of 0.752 compared to the assessment of a clinical expert. Conclusion The MCQ-Balance assessment facilitates the monitoring of patient balance and provides objective information that has the potential to improve medical decision making and the adjustment of individual treatment

    Maldi-imaging for proteomics of protease inhibitors

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    Tumor desmoide extraabdominal en rodilla: a propósito de un caso

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    Los tumores desmoides o fibromatosis agresiva son neoplasias de partes blandas muy poco frecuentes. Son localmente agresivos y recurrentes, aunque carecen de potencial metastásico. La forma extraabdominal es la más infrecuente y asienta habitualmente sobre la cintura pélvica o escapular. Presentamos el caso de una paciente a la que se le diagnosticó un tumor desmoide extraabdominal en la rodilla izquierda que se manifestó inicialmente como una tumoración dolorosa.Desmoid tumours or aggressive fibromatosis are rare neoplasm of soft tissues. They are locally aggressive and recurrent, although they have no metastatic potential. The extra-abdominal appearance is the less common and tumors are frequently located around pelvic or scapular vicinity. We report a case of a patient who suffered an extra-abdominal desmoid tumor in her left knee that arose as a painful bump